Monday, March 24, 2014

Theater Shenanigans

So outside my life of photography I also do theater productions playing the oh so important role of Tech Manager (a.k.a. Tech Goddess)! I also volunteer my skills as a photographer to capture moments such as the ones below. This was my 7th production of doing tech and being part of an awesome group of people (cast and crew). This cast and crew is the one i'm going to miss the most, 6 weeks wasn't long enough, though we've had our fair share of laughs and backstage selfies. We all worked hard to get this play to come together in 6 weeks(!) and if we hadn't had a strong director (Sandra) I don't think it would have come out as great as it did. I will miss every single one of you, I am proud of you all and I hope to work with all of you again in another S.A.C.T production.

Wednesday, March 5, 2014

Alexander Mack

Haven't posted in a while and I figured what better then to make my first post in March about a friend of mine who I have been working with for a few months now on the cover art work for his new mix tape "The Roaring 20's" by Alexander Mack.
His new mix tape is AMAZING and I'm so glad I got to be apart of it and help him with his creative vision on the album artwork. I enjoy a good challenge and this was probably the most difficult thing I had to do Photoshop and creativity wise. None the less we are both satisfied with the product.
I will post a link below where you can listen and download Alexander Mack's new mix tape "The Roaring 20's". There are no words to describe how great this mix tape is and how great the person and people involved in making it are. Alexander Mack has put his heart, soul and time into this mix tape and it shows. It tells a story and the lyrics and music compliment each other perfectly. Go support him and share his mix tape with other's so they can experience this masterpiece.


Here are some behind the scene pictures from my studio including Alexander Mack and Betty:

Final Product: